This really is the best jerky I’ve ever had.

Really. Honestly. Truly.

I’ve had some jerky in my day – amidst the years of camping and climbing and hiking – it was my go-to snack.

Crockett Creek Jerky


Beef jerky, turkey jerky, salmon jerky, and even ahi tuna jerky.

They’re all pretty much the same.

Dry, chewy, and tough on the jaw.

Crockett Creek, though – NOT so.


I shall digress for just a moment, however.

Jerky makes an amazing snack.

It’s high in protein, usually high in flavor, easy to pack, and quick to eat on the run.

When I worked at Whole Foods, they refereed to the jerky wall as the “goldmine.”

In any case, despite the exceptional qualities listed above, I’ve always struggled with the sore jaw situation. Many a time I’ve felt as though I was chewing on my own rawhide bone. Thus, I resorted to carrying a baggie of fresh meat with me, at times. I have been known to stash a bag of leftover chicken breast in my apron pocket to grab a quick bite here and there (yes, that really did happen on the sales floor at Whole Foods), or nosh on some leftover steak while driving across country, steering wheel in one hand, beef in the other (yes, that actually happened too).

While those leftover bites are tasty, they are not quite as convenient as the jerky situation.

So, I’ve been in a bit of a dilemma.

Until now.

As stated before, Crockett Creek really is the best jerky I’ve ever had.

The teeny little company has created a recipe with just the right flavor, texture, aroma, and resealable packaging. The mix of spices is optimal, the level of moisture and chew is exceptional, and the serving size is downright perfect.

Remember, I’m a jerky connoisseur. This stuff is goooood.

Way to go Crockett Creek.

Oh, and by the way…in support of this super duper little company, buy some jerky now for 25% off with the discount codeJerkyB25

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