For the most part, I go around believing that the people in this world are good – or at least I put in the effort to believe this is true. It works. (Again, thanks to Dad, “attitude is everything.”) I see the good in people I encounter everyday. I am astounded by the acts of kindness put forth by the many people of the world and strive to bless as many people myself as I possibly can.
We all have days, though, when the universe simply does not seemed to be aligned and the cards fall in such a way that life feels utterly exhausting. Circumstances can be easily overlooked, but sometimes I encounter the acts or thought process of another that really makes me scratch my head in regards to humanity.
Alas, my faith is restored. Life is good once again.
Hmmm. I got 404s when clicking on 1, 2, and 3 a weird 404 to boot.