I have certainly mentioned in the past my tendency towards introversion and the fact that I find it to be emotionally overwhelming and quite exhausting, at times, to interact with large groups of people.  I feel much more comfortable and considerably more nourished by spending quiet time with smaller groups of individuals, or even just one on one.

As I’m growing in this Life, though, despite the exhaustion that social interaction can employ, I do find that I am enjoying my socialization quite a bit.  I have a dear heart and truly love people.  I FEEL people ~ I am highly sensitive, which is why the positive aspects of engaging and participating with others affect me so much.

“Like the rest of the highly sensitive population (approximately 10%) I feel things more than others. Highly sensitive people are empathic; they feel and absorb the energy and emotions of others in a sometimes visceral way. Highly intuitive, they have a level of compassion and awareness that drives them to want to help others and be of service in the world. The saying, “I feel your pain” is very real to them.

Thanks to the social conditioning, disconnect and numbing that often stigmatize feelings and emotions, we “sensitive” folks become fearful of having any at all. But without the awareness of our feelings, we’re disconnected from our inner GPS, and are therefore cut off from knowing what’s best for us, affecting everything from the choices we make with our food, relationships, to what job we should take. The highly sensitive person has no choice but to feel.”

I am empathic.  I have no choice but to feel, and feel deeply, in every way.

In Defense Of Highly Sensitive People.


“The truth is that being highly sensitive is being highly evolved.”

So maybe not all introverts are feelers…

I am honored to feel you.  Can you feel me?

12 thoughts on “In Defense Of Highly Sensitive People”

  1. I LOVE this! and I’m a self-proclaimed introvert. I’ve become better with age but even now if I’m around people too much (large groups) I need to have my time alone for a while. As a kid I used to hide behind curtains, just to hide myself from everyone and would spend hours playing by myself. Anyway thanks for this… it really rings true for me 🙂

  2. I have always been this way but somewhere along about 9th grade, decided extroversion was the way to go. I have learned to be in big groups, etc. but I find even long weekends away with my best friends are tiring after awhile. I need some alone time in each day. The world is not wired for us:).

    1. The world may not be wired for us, but we are absolutely here to make a difference! I believe that as introverts and intense feelers, we have the opportunity and capability to make a huge difference in the lives of those around us ~ quietly.

    1. The three of us… 🙂 I suppose we should all try our little “bubble” and hamster balls together!

      On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Craving4More

    2. I am loving pumkpin smoothies lately. When I looked on your site and saw this, I didn’t feel so bad about it. I had 2 on Tuesday alone. I really just can’t get enough. I make mine with about a cup of frozen steamed pumkpin, 1 banana, coconut milk, a few skinless almonds, cinnamon, a splash of vanilla, and water. OMG I really can’t get enough. I’ll have to try this berry version. I typically try to avoid drinking my food, but pumkpin smoothies are just sooo good. I actually look forward to working out just so I can drink one of these.

  3. I am somewhat of an oddball – although I have very many introvert traits, I also have extroverted; definitely in the minority, though! Secretly, I would rather be extroverted though – I think my upbringing conditioned into believing that introverted wasn’t good enough!

      1. OMG just tried this and it is DELISH!!!!! I used almond btuetr because I had no cashew btuetr but this did taste just like pie. I’m new to Paleo, started on 7/10 and already lost a good amout of weigh( 27 lbs), but I am a picky eater and was getting a little tired of scrambled eggs and bacon, so this was a nice change. I LOVE your blog and have told probably ten people let alone in the last week about it. Phenominal recipes, you ROCK!!!!

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