Bananas and Bacon

I detest them both.  Yuck. BUT, just like olives, everyone else seems to love them (particularly bacon, these days).  Not that I subscribe to the “if everyone else was jumping off a bridge” adage, but I often feel like I must be missing out on something. I’ve been viewing all of these amazingly delicious recipes…

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Laughing Lowers Stress

Yes, it’s sort of a “cheat” to re-post something directly from another site. However, this really did make me laugh.  Thank you, GrassFed Girl for sharing this today and treating me to a morning chuckle. 19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You. [youtube] By the way, have you ever heard of…

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Lobster Condos

On a bit of a lighter note from yesterday….no pun intended…I just learned something new.  Lobsters are solitary creatures – meaning, they like to live alone.  I can relate on some level.  Don’t get me wrong – I love living with my husband, of course, but I do really treasure my alone time.  It’s quiet,…

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Letting Go – and Letting In…

Rather than call my self a procrastinator, I’ve determined that I have an inborn (or perhaps learned) response to hold on ever so tightly to the familiar things in my life.  No matter how uncomfortable or damaging those things may be – habit and lifestyle speaking – for some reason, my entire enterprise seems to…

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Shortbread Perfection!

Shortbread Perfection! My task this week was to create a “healthy” Christmas cookie for a regional work meeting.  Everyone in my position throughout the region will come armed with their own holiday cookie creation – one that fits a very specific set of “healthy rules.”  Not only are these rules very specific, they are down…

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