Peanut Butter Chicken Tacos

It’s kind of a long story as to how the notion of Peanut Butter Chicken Tacos arose. I’ll just say it happens to be another one of “those” sayings pouring out of my hilarious hubby’s mouth from time to time. Little did he know, the last time he spilled the saucy syllables over his lips,…

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Spicy Polenta Rounds and Curly Cheddar Crisps

We really like polenta in our house. Yes, we do. No, it’s not paleo, it’s not grain-free, and no one can really digest corn. But it tastes good, you know? Almost nutty, almost sweet, almost creamy, and almost crunchy. It’s almost like corn – in the form of polenta, at least – is magical. If…

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Polenta Panzanella

Panzanella [pantsaˈnɛlla] or panmolle [pamˈmɔlle] is a Tuscan salad of bread and tomatoes that’s popular in the summer. It includes chunks of soaked stale bread and tomatoes, sometimes also onions and basil, dressed with olive oil and vinegar. It is also popular in other parts of central Italy. And, since I’m sooooo longing for the…

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Triple Citrus Shrimp

While tomatoes are not exactly a “citrus fruit,” the acidity they provide and the unique sweet zing the vine ripened fruit imparts leads to the “triple” threat title of this recipe. Even if you don’t necessarily buy into the above statement, give the recipe a try. You will not be sorry. Honestly, you simply cannot…

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Wild Zora – Product Review

How about some Awesome Sauce with that? No need – these Wild Zora Meat and Veggie Bars already exude awesomeness in every way. Check this out: “In early 2011 our family started to learn about Gluten-Free, Paleo, and Primal food. We just didn’t feel good about feeding the typical sugary, grain-filled snacks on the market…

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Fennel and Celery Root Ravioli

Sometimes opportunity knocks. …and some of those “sometimes,” we may not necessarily entirely understand the opportunity or what it may bring, but simply recognize it as simply that – an opportunity. Somewhat recently I was contacted by, complimenting me on my passion for food and exquisite taste, as well as my ability to make things…

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Chicken Arrabbiata

“Arrabbiata” literally means “angry” in Italian. This sauce is red, and it’s hot, and it’s fiercely delicious. There’s nothing angry about it, in fact. It’s just flaming good. (The “angry” term comes from the spicy red pepper goodness it entails). I have fond memories of childhood special occasions of dining out, and always diving into the Penne…

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Scotch Eggs and ‘Sghetti

I’ve been dying to delve into the kitchen to try the famous “scotch eggs” widely consumed in the Paleo community. I have to admit, though, they have been a bit intimidating. Most recipes bread and fry the little boogers. That’s not for me. But baking the meaty eggs to a crispy crust, while maintaining a bright…

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Slow Cooker Middle Eastern Beef

I don’t have a great deal of experience with slow cooker meals, but savor the warmth and aromatic bliss of the slow cooked result in the colder months of winter. I also very much enjoy robust flavors, full of intention and dialogue with each forkful. Savor the surprise of Slow Cooker Middle Eastern Beef. Slow…

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The Best of Labor Day!

Labor Day is all about backyard BBQ fun ~ or camping fun where I come from… To celebrate the holiday, I took the day off from cooking, after all, it is LABOR Day.  But, I did a little research and decided to come up with the best looking Paleo BBQ recipes I could find for…

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