Cold-pressed juice is made with a hydraulic press that uses thousands of pounds of pressure to extract the maximum amount of liquid from fresh fruits and vegetables. No additional heat or oxygen is used in the process, meaning that no nutrients are lost in the heat of traditional pasteurization.

No nutritional loss…pretty great, right?

You know what is also pretty darn great – Pressery.

In fact, it’s really great.

These guys have it down.

I adore creative flavor combinations and concoctions, as we all know, and apparently so do the folks at Pressery juices.

The intricacies and imaginative balance of all the different raw flavor components are absolutely wonderful. In all their drinks. Wonderful, I tell you.

The recipes are simply magical.

And quite addicting, in many cases…

I was first introduced to the idea of drinking vinegar in good old PDX. Pok Pok restaurant is famous for it’s outstanding Thai food, but also for the unique beverage selection…including sweet drinking vinegar.
As a result, various locals in Portland began creating their own versions.
They all tasted great, for sure…but were full of sugar and far too sweet in my opinion.
I opted to stick with my tried and true kombucha…even though the health benefits of the fermented vinegar drink have always rivaled that of “the mother.”

Drinking vinegar has been consumed for its health benefits since Ancient Greece. We’re giving it a fresh twist by blending Coconut Vinegar (known as a super-vinegar) with our cold pressed juices to share our spin on an ancient tradition. By combining something tangy and healthy with our juices, we are enhancing both flavors and health benefits. We truly are making healthy taste good.

Yes, healthy truly DOES taste good, Pressery. We love it….oh, coconut vinegar, you are quite something.

We are more than a juice company. We are creators. We are entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, and flavor experts. We are passionate about collaborative innovation with our fans and partners as we build a more sustainable and transparent food ecosystem.  We are motivated and humbled by consumers’ feedback who want convenient, healthy products from companies that are thinking about more than their bottom line.

With a variety of options offered by the health-wise genius squad, I first dove into the drinking vinegar selection.

Coconut Lemon Cayenne: invigorating!
The blend of lemon, maple, cayenne, and coconut vinegar immediately reminded me of “The Master Cleanse.” But this is sooooo much better. I’ve never felt good about that little cleansing diet, by the way, but I do feel good about drinking this treat. It smells a little sweet from the maple syrup, and a little spicy. It’s got a great big zingy kick at the end.
I like it!

Strawberry Basil AND Blueberry Lemonade: the perfect blend of sweet without the traditional pucker factor of vinegar.
These two varieties are strikingly similar. They both contain the absolute perfect flavor combination so that no one component overpowers another. The essence of the coconut vinegar is very different from that of apple cider and plays so well with the berry – in fact, the taste of the vinegar is not quite as strong as the aroma…subtle – and downright sublime.
Yes, I am aware that vinegars and juices don’t typically exhibit texture, but these beauties somehow do. They aren’t syrupy, but they have a way of lightly coating and soothing the throat. It’s an amazing treat and delicious surprise to notice how they just roll over the tongue, striking the palate with the simplicity of sweet berries and fresh herbs. I also love the maple syrup sweetness in all of these – so unique.
These are two of my personal favs.

Carrot Turmeric Orange: so smooth and easy to drink.
I’m not typically a fan of carrot juice, but this variety contains just enough fresh orange juice to combat the earthy sweet carrot taste and aroma. It’s also not as sweet, surprisingly with all the citrus and carrot, but seems to be fresher and a bit “lighter.” It sits on the back of the tongue, delivering a bit of a turmeric zing right at the end.
Pretty fun.

Next came the fresh, cold pressed juices. Both fruity and green, there were a lot of options.

Beat Street: much “easier” than just eating a beet.
You see, I actually detest beats. The super sweet and earthy essence turns my stomach. BUT, I pushed forward, pepped myself up, and swigged down a teeny tiny sip.
Good thing I did.
With a definite and defined pineapple juice component to combat the “beet-ness,” this puppy is much more pleasing than expected. Just a tiny hint of the carrot-apple combo and a dash of black pepper, again, balance all the flavors.
Beet lovers beware, you’ll quickly become addicted to this crimson tide.

The Remedy: love the name.
This one has a GREAT orange taste going down. Fantastic, in fact. Yet, with a combo of orange, carrot, turmeric, and jalapeño, it isn’t quite as smooth as the similar variety of drinking vinegar. The spice of the jalapeño hits right away. And it lingers…it lasts for a while and remains on the tongue and throat for at least several minutes after the drink is complete. It’s good…but a little rough for those of us that struggle with everlasting spice while consuming a cold drink.
Not for the faint of heart, but still good.
And I do believe this to be “the remedy” for a variety of ailments. Really.

Heat Wave: very interesting, and in a very good way.
In contrast to the jalapeño drink laced with a bit of carrot and orange juice, this heat wave combines habanero with lemon, lime, and orange, as well as a hint of maple.  The habanero is definitely less spicy than the jala pepper, but leaves your mouth with a kick and refreshingly spicy cooling sensation. Perhaps a bit oxymoronic ~ spicy and cooling at the same time ~ or perhaps just a bit of profound palate sorcery.
Speaking of sorcery and wizardry, the first sip almost felt a little like a pop rock sensation. Each flavor really pops individually – not all at once. I love how I could both smell and taste each citrus component. I’m hooked…really hooked.

Green Light: green light go! surprising in many ways.
My first observation was an extreme amount of settling and separation. Surprisingly though, the texture isn’t grainy, as would be expected from such a separation phenomenon. On the other hand, this little green drink DID require a vigorous shaking each time I wanted a sip, in order to emulsify once again. Whether that was good or bad – it just was.
Now for the flavor, with an ingredient list of kale, pear, lemon, romaine, cucumber, and parsley, the juice definitely tastes “healthy.” The aroma of parsley is very overpowering, but the refreshing taste of cucumber dominates when on the tongue. This too is a bit surprising, as pear is listed first on the label. The fruit, though, does balance out the bitter greens to provide a pleasant, semi-sweet flavor.
As I said, both surprising and exquisitely interesting.

Clean Greens: not sweet, not bitter, just green pepper.
The fruit and veggie mix in this super clean green mix really takes me back to my days of working in the juice bar. Clear skin, abundant energy, supreme digestion, etc. What a life.
Anyway, with a mix of spinach, broccoli, cucumber, honeydew, green pepper, and kale, you’d expect a flavorful salad – and that’s what you get…with a lot of fresh green pepper.

Green Zinger: adore the aroma. adore it!
Spinach, apple, celery, cucumber, with a hint of collard greens and a whole lot of ginger and lime, sent me into a tailspin. You see, I LOVE ginger and lime, especially together. It just makes me feel good, you know?
Because I was simply so excited about this zing of green, I recruited another taste tester to help me with a proper review. His thoughts were a bit different than mine. Maybe I’m biased, as a true Boulderite who grew up wanting to work at Alfalfa’s (and who actually did – yes, the juice bar was the name of my game for a few years), or maybe it’s because I love all things green. In any case, I felt a second opinion at least once or twice (or three times or more) was fair. His words exactly:

Green Zinger: Hyped up Cucumber Water
For a fan of cucumber water on steroids, this is spot on. For everyone else, the taste may be a bit overpowering even at 1 serving. The immediate taste is of cucumbers, finishing with a hint of lime. The appearance, consistency, and texture were smooth, which is a nice change from other brands that are full of pulp. However, combining the name of Green Zinger with the proudly advertised organic ingredients, the taste and smell resembled cucumber water too much, causing disappointment. The label is appealing and has a fresh appearance. Overall, for a true fan of cucumber water, this is worth a try, but with a market full of other organic green in color options, I would not be a repeat customer based on a name and ingredients that failed to meet expectations.
Juice Appearance/Consistency/Texture: 5/5
Taste: 3/5
Product Packaging: 5/5

Although the two of us did not necessarily agree on all fronts, or pinpoint similar components, I believe the above statements to constitute a smokin’ honest review. Well done…and I’ll be the other 4/5 stars that will try the drink again, to take up the slack.

More Matcha: smells of oranges and basil with just a hint of mint.
The taste is just that too ~ refreshing and crisp. The apple juice that makes it sweet is virtually undetectable only because the oranges seem to bring out the supreme sweetness with a slight citrus tartness. This blends all together with the basil mint crispness. Just a tad bit of grassy green matcha.

Chia Berry: just like a smoothie bowl, right?
Chia, Apple, Cucumber, Beet, Strawberry, Raspberry
With all the ingredients contained in one bottle, I was expecting a more robust flavor. Surprisingly, though, amidst all the beet and berry, it is rather unexciting. The most prominent flavors are apple and raspberry, but the beets are virtually imperceptible. The chia seeds give it a thicker consistency that resembles a smoothie, or even a light smoothie bowl. For that, the Chia Berry makes a great alternative snack option to carry you through until the next meal. That’s great news!

Finally, the last of the bunch to which I was looking most forward. Dessert! (or breakfast, in my case).

Morning Groove: ummm…yes…
You see, I’m addicted to cold brew coffee. It’s in my morning routine. Every morning.
Typically I prefer my coffee black (well, okay, once in a blue moon I enjoy a treat of cold brew mixed with pastured heavy cream…OMG), but I may have to reconsider my black brew options now. Thanks, Pressery…
Cold brew coffee, cashew milk, and a hint of maple syrup. Bang! It’s a winner.
With a deep and true coffee taste and a slight nutty flavor, the maple serves as a nice sweetener and doesn’t overcrowd the complementing profiles. It certainly has the right flavor balance that makes it tasty and delightful (just like everything else) – Pressery, you have created these magical concoctions. What is your secret?

Protein Power Up Vanilla Nut Milk: the perfume is simply divine.
Holy smokes!…vanilla, cashew, almonds, dates, and cinnamon…is that enough said? Dessert, my friends, or just something to swoon over any time of day. Simply unscrewing the cap turns at least one sensation into fantasy mode (yes, the olfactory sensation…keep it together and keep it clean!)
Really, as my husband stated (yes, I did end up sharing just a little with the love of my life), “it tastes exactly like drinking a cinnamon roll.”
Despite the sensational aroma and sublime flavor, we both agreed the texture to be a little thinner than anticipated, and just slightly grainy. However, as with any nut based smoothie drink, it’s all part of the game. I’ve tasted similar products before and have been left with a chalky, gravely sensation. That was not the case this time. In fact, after the flavor essences vanished, all I was left with was the desire for more…

We use an innovative process to extract more nutrients from our produce which leads to an unrivaled nutrient to taste outcome. We do this to ensure that all of our products are always as healthy as they are flavorful.

Well done, Pressery. Your products are notably majestic.

My favorites: Strawberry Basil, Blueberry Lemonade, Vanilla Nut Milk, and Morning Groove…

I’m so thankful for the opportunity to taste, sip, and savor.

And what do you imagine your favorite flavor to be?

4 thoughts on “Pressery – Healthy Tastes Good – Review”

  1. This was so helpful! I want to try pressed juices and these all sound delicious! ? hope i win the giveaway!

    1. Sarah,
      I’m glad you felt the review to be helpful. There is such an amazing taste and feel difference to cold pressed juices. These from Pressery are truly some of the best around! 🙂

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