
He sings, he whistles, he hums, he pours out joy all day long.  I work with a singing Tibetan.  His job is in maintenance, no less.  I would venture to guess that there certainly are not very many of us that would be whistling a happy tune all day long while sweeping, scrubbing, hauling, and even shoveling s*#! all day long – but he does it.  He smiles all day too.

It’s wonderful.  I stopped him on the stairs on Monday and said, “you’re always so happy.  What are you so happy and singing all the time?”  His rapid response – in his less than perfect and heavily accented english, “being happy is so much better than being sad.”


He’s right.  It is so much better.

But, is it easier – or even doable?  Of course it’s doable.  I hear all the time that it’s much easier to be positive than negative.  Well, depending on the circumstances, I beg to differ.  However, wallowing in misery certainly gets us nowhere in life, other than in a continued state of muck and misery – feeling sorry for ourselves.

The bottom line is that it does take WORK to hum the snappy sounds and whistle the happy tunes and wear the strong and vibrant smile.  But it’s worth it.   “Being happy is so much better than being sad.”

As he removes his apron around 4pm each afternoon, following a 6am arrival at work, he sings and shouts simultaneously in an operatic cry….”Gooooood niiiiiiighhhht!”

“Goodnight, my friend,” I whisper back to him with a smile.  “Enjoy your evening.”


I’m so glad I get to work in a place where I can listen to a singing Tibetan all day long.

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