Seeded Cracker Crisps

“Seedy, lighter-than-air crackers are bubbly baked in cheese and crowned with savory seeds and smoke.” Crispy? Check. Cheesey? Check. Fancy looking but easy to make? Check. These crackers are pure GOLD! If you’re looking for a quick snack, here’s your answer. If you’re looking for a somewhat fancy-schmancy gourmet accompaniment to your entertaining appetizer board,…

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Spicy Smashed Cucumber Pickle Salad

I saw a recipe in Bon Appétit magazine a while back for an Asian smashed cucumber salad of sorts. Then recently I came across an entirely different sort of recipe for a spicy tartar sauce, served over crab cakes. Knowing myself quite well and recognizing the fact that I absolutely despise mayonnaise in every way,…

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Salted Honey Cantaloupe Jam

So, I have to give Bon Appétit all the credit for this one. 99.9% all of the recipes are my own creations. Perhaps inspired by things I’ve tasted and seen in my adventuresome apposition in life, they are still all mine. This one, however, I made pretty much to a tee ~ well, not really, as…

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Balsamic Pearls and Bruléed Eggs

As I craft and create in the kitchen, I continue to dream up new recipes and ideas (obviously). My mind wifts, wafts, and wanders. My thoughts of culinary conceptions often keep me awake at night. I’m always wanting to try new things. And, one of those “newish” items on my agenda has been the workings…

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Burnt Broccoli and Eggplant Silk

Learning from the very best, I have developed the habit or, perhaps more appropriately termed, the inability to follow a recipe. Neither my mother nor I are capable of following the instructions, let alone the ingredient list of a printed recipe. It’s not that we feel we are superior or that our way is any…

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Bon Appétit magazine claims you’ll never need anything else… …this sauce does it all! “The sweet and sour condiment you’ll want to put on everything-agrodolce—a sticky, tart-sweet condiment made by reducing sugar or honey, vinegar, and sometimes fruit and/or vegetables. It is all about tangy contrast. …with about 200 times more sex appeal than your average…

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Graved Eggs

Are you ready for Halloween? Ghosts and goblins, and GRAVES ~ “graved” eggs – burying them deep in salt ~ curing the bright orange yolk in savory crystals with a magical result. That’s right. Graved Eggs or Salt-Cured Eggs. Rather than let any precious yolks go to waste when cooking (who is crazy enough to…

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Sweet Potato Caramel

So you know that caramelly sweet deliciousness that drips forth and oozes from the lusciously sweet and tender sweet potatoes you’ve ground fond of baking this time of year? Yes, that amazingly thick, ooey, gooey juice that crusts its way on to the bottom of the oven, but also causes you to both lick your…

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